
Tarifs 2017/2018 - cours open

Price Annual membership Valid for
1 lesson 18 € 1 year
10 lessons 140 € + 35 € = 175 € 3 months
20 lessons 240 € + 35 € = 275 € 5 months
50 lessons 520 € + 35 € = 555 € 6 months

Tarifs des dimanches 2017/2018

Duration Price
1h30 18 €
2h 24 €
Stage Yanis 25 €
  • Card's validity will be extended for 1 month for August, but never for student's personal vacation
  • Classes cards are personal and can't be refunded
  • Studio's tickets are not accepted for classes with the icon.
  • Holiday vouchers, sport coupon and leisure tickets C.A.F. are only accepted for cards. Les chèques vacances, les coupons sport et les tickets loisirs C.A.F sont acceptés uniquement pour les cartes.
  • Training path may be financed by AFDAS.